construction management

Sketch Detailing in Architecture

General sketching is a great tool for an architect.  Also, more detailed sketching becomes a wonderful tool to help move projects along.  Every custom building requires attention to how pieces come together and communicating how they work can be facilitated with sketches.

There are often questions about exactly how pieces of trim or material interactions should work.  Shown here are examples of sketch work we use to communicate specific details.  The color helps the sketches read easily for busy construction crews.

Some more complex issues can be worked out in sketch form so the contractor on site and we, the architects, can discuss various methods to achieve a pleasant result.

Changes of window manufacturers or flooring materials, etc. can lead to rethinking of details.  These changes can be communicated quickly with all the different members using colored sketches.

Design is also helped with sketch details.  In working out a door combined with a grill and insect netting for a home in Bangalore, several options were looked at quickly.  Above is a security grill with a two step foot bolt operation fabricated out of plain steel.

Even such mundane items as a closet build out, shelves, rods, double rods, can be communicated quickly to cabinet makers and owners.

Location of paint breaks in a complex interior are made clear with a quick sketch.  This eliminates hours of arm waving!

We enjoy making sure the contractors on projects are able to keep moving.   Sketching details and desires helps make that happen.