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We often place rocks in our terrace designs to end a linear movement or accentuate that same linear movement. We place them to create a focal point or we use them to help modify a change in the slope. Because boulders are common in the northwest, having been deposited about by rivers and glaciers, they have a nice connection to our natural environment.
Rocks uncovered from the site are often utilized in the design
Whenever possible we try to use rocks that are uncovered from the site. But when we decide to bring rocks in we usually to go with our clients to Marenakos Rock Center near Issaquah Washington. They have a good selection granite that we like and a spacious yard to look over.
After planning where rocks will be set and what size of rock we would like, we select the specific rock. Often we number them to help in the process. Placement is important. We like to make sure that a certain portion of the rock is visible when the final concrete is poured. There is lots of work with transits, tape measures, and shovels to make the most of the rock. We carefully detail location and orientation and often stay on site supervise the placement. It is tiring but enjoyable work to help set rocks and the final result when the rocks, concrete